Saturday, June 2, 2012


We dropped my parents off at the airport and it reminded me a lot of when I took the triplets to their first day of 1st grade.  People kept asking if I was sad or how I was doing and I felt pretty good, my emotions were in check and I didn't feel too sad about things. I was excited for the fun adventures ahead.  When I walked in the door to the house and heard how quiet it was, I lost "babies" were in 1st grade and gone ALL day, the house was so still.  It was kind of eerie....

Well, that's just how things felt this morning.  We woke up early to get Mom and Dad to the airport on time and I was feeling pretty good.  We are planning to go see my parents a few times while they are gone so it's not like I won't see them for 2 years so I was feeling ok, emotions in check.  When we dropped them off it was a little emotional, especially when I saw this exchange between my mom and Tanner....

But even then I didn't lose it.  On the drive home it was a little quiet in the car, no one said much but I was still ok.  
Then I walked in my house and I felt that same "eerie" quietness I felt after I dropped the triplets off at 1st grade.  I realized I would see my parents but they wouldn't be at MY HOUSE again for TWO YEARS!!!  It was a little surreal, especially since my kids have the best grandparents in the world (on both sides)  My parent are here to support them for everything.  They visit almost once a month (if not more).  All the parents on the boys sports teams know my parents because they come to so many games to support our boys. They know so many people in our ward they don't even have to introduce themselves as visitors when they come... and who will do all my projects around the house with Dad all the way in Hawaii?!?!?  I started to panic a little :)

But we are excited for them and their new adventure and know the people they serve in  Hawaii will grow to love them as much as we do.


1 comment:

Allison and Mason: said...

This is just a pretest for when it's one of your boys. :) In a way it's a mini-mission for you too - having you parents gone. That picture of Tanner and your mom is precious.